When we hear of something that is destroying our planet it is alarming, but when we hear that it was caused by us, it’s sad. Climate change has been affecting our planet for generations and continues to get worse. Many experts have confirmed this and KNOW that eventually, it will become irreversible. Bill McKibben states in his movie Do The Math“We’re no longer at the point of trying to stop global warming, too late for that. We’re at the point of trying to keep it from becoming complete and utter calamity.” (6:31) But how can we stop this? It is hard to make a memorable and worth wild change but not doing anything is worse. Most know the issue and try to change small things through the day. Things such as avoiding plastic and other non-biodegradable items and more people are trying to recycle.


There are some who say doing those things are useless. Not using plastic straws is so small, it isn’t going to change much. Some believe that climate change will not get to the point of unsustainable living. Even with the small changes that we can do on a daily bases, they believe that it is not worth it and a waste of time. Even the skeptics cant argue with science and confirmed figures.  In Do The Math Bill McKibben talks about the question NASA answered which was how much carbon is too much to be in the atmosphere. They found that anything greater then 350 ppm is not sustanible for human development. Scientist say that today the atmosphere is 395 ppm and its rising 2 ppm every year (8:20). It is next to impossible to argue when NASA and scientist are involved. This would give anyone the information and answers that they need to prove their doubts.