I will use technology to further enhance my student’s ability to learn and grow. I will use technology as a tool and not a replacement for any standards or lesson. Technology can be a useful tool and I want to show my students how much technology can expand their thinking and creativity. While my students use technology they will know how to be good digital citizens while not just respecting the computer itself but the people that they interact with online. Students will know how to be safe on the internet and know where to find good information and what information to avoid. I will be sure to guide my students in the right direction so when they use technology on their own they will feel comfortable with it while knowing what to and what to not avoid. I will be sure to model correct ways to use technology while giving them freedom and access to be creative and show me what they know. My students will know that technology can be a great tool to expand your thinking and help with assignments. Students will know that I accept technology and will be there to guide them and be open to technology. I know that technology is not going away but instead expanding so my students will know that I will learn with them and grow with technology with them. All of this is to make sure each and every one of my students thrives and is successful while using technology in the classroom.