Climate change has been a controversy for centuries and continues to be a problem, but it continues to be an issue. Why does something continue to happen if we know its a problem? Kathleen Dean Moore talks about the moral urgency of climate change. On big concern is the fact that many think we are too small to do something big. Moore heard a very strong argument against that when she heard Desmond Tutu. He gave an example about how this is incorrect; the thought that we are too small to make a change, “He knows from experience that it is possible to bring down entrenched institutions.” (3) We see from that even with that thought that it is impossible to bring down these corporations who have been part of climate change, that we do in fact have power. One big influence is a person’s morals. Morals are what tells us what we are doing is wrong. Moore believes that moral arguments are the best appeal (8). She goes on to give three reasons why moral arguments are prominent. On example she gives is “Moral arguments speak to all people. Economic arguments speak only to a few.” This shows that even being small, we are still able to do something about these global concerns. Do we not have a moral obligation to face climate change? (2)