Quote: “Divine Justice pursued its course; disaster came thick on me”
Comment: Throughout the whole time hearing about Mr.Rochester, the question constantly comes up as to whether he is a good or bad person. And from that in these last few chapters, if he was a bad person, did he get the punishment that he deserved. I did not think Mr.Rochester to be a good person but he risking his life to not only save his “crazy” wife but also the servants in the house. Doing so Mr.Rochester lost his left hand and his sight. I just wonder mostly about Bertha. I wonder if Jane had been told about her from the start if they could have become friends? I believe that Bertha was not always the way that she was portrayed. I think she may have had a mild mental illness which was intensified by being locked away. Because Bertha was nice to Grace, I think she would have warmed up to Jane.
Another question is if Jane was told about Bertha from the beginning, would she have stayed? I think she would have. Not only because Jane is tough and could handle hearing something like this, but given the torment she went through when Bertha would “visit” her occasionally, Jane would have felt safer knowing what that was.