The artifact I choose is about AIDS which many thought at the time was a disease in which you could get from touching someone. For this reason, many people feared and stayed away from those with AIDS. I picked this artifact over others primarily because I have always had a fascination with the history of AIDS and it fits well with what we are talking about in class very well. It fits well because people with AIDS were considered monsters because of the deadly disease that they had. When we talked about Frankenstein, he was treated like a monster for something he had no control over. Many people who contracted AIDS were unaware that the person they were with had it. But AIDS also had a stigma for being a disease that only homosexuals contracted and during this period in time, homosexuals were considered monsters as well. No one who contracted AIDS asked for it nor would have done what they did to contract AIDS if they knew they would get it. Frankenstein didn’t ask to be made but was hated by anyone who saw him as well as his creator. This made me think about how people with AIDS were treated.
What interested me most about this artifact was part of the title which says “a killer called AIDS” but also the picture which depicts the killer being a physical person. This made the connection in my head about the thing people feared the most having a physical form that people can see. One thing that I always questioned is to what point is someone considered a monster? Someone with AIDS is the same person that they were before they contracted AIDS. Is it the fear that makes people lash out and consider people monsters?