#1 BitMoji Classroom


Description: My BitMoji classroom is set up to interact with students while giving them a clear schedule for the day. This classroom was set up as a model for what I would do if I was doing remote learning with students. My classroom has videos for the students to watch and formative assessments for me to check their progress.

Reflection: This classroom aligns with Standard #11 because I designed this classroom to be as interactive as possible and there are plenty of places to see how students are doing and check their progress. I have a Kahoot and Flipgrid to formatively assess them while giving them plenty of space to show me what they know. This is also an awesome platform for parents to see and be able to access to help their children succeed. I have made the whiteboard in the virtual classroom extremely straightforward and clear as to the expectations of the day and agenda of what is to be completed. I think students who access this classroom will feel like their day is organized and that I am being clear about my expectations of them. This classroom also allows me to add fun and interactive games or videos to give them a break. In my classroom I have a video for the students to click if they need a movement break.

#2 Kahoot


Description: This Kahoot was a model of how I would use Kahoot to check my student’s progress. This Kahoot was created to test the knowledge of the Solar System.

Reflection: Standard 11 addresses how teachers need to access learning experiences to engage students and promote learning and Kahoot does that. This is a great, and fun, way to get students involved and excited about a quiz. Go figure that that was ever possible. Finding ways to access students without them thinking that it is an assessment gets rid of the pressure of getting a good grade. With Kahoot, I am able to see where students are at which can help me determine if more teaching is needed or if they are where they need to be. One aspect of Kahoot that I would change for my class is not making the time really short. From experience, if you are pressured to answer the question first or quickly it can cause you to submit the wrong answer or be pressured to just guess instead of thinking about it. My students will also know that winning is not the point of the Kahoot but rather to use what they learned to show me how much they know about the subject. I never want my students to feel like them not winning first place makes them any less smart than the person ahead of them.