The Common Core Teaching Standards cover topics such as the development of learning, differentiation, content knowledge, and how we instruct and plan our lessons. All of these standards are key in not only ensuring that our students understand the standards but get the most out of our instruction. When we created our unit we first started with our learning progression which was created by the Common Core Standards. This learning progression is created using “I Can” statements. Each of these “I Can” statements are put in order as one standard will typically build off of the last which is why this is the progression of learning.
With each “I Can” statement a lesson plan is then created and these include how the lesson will be taught which would also include differentiation and any classroom considerations. These lesson plans also include assessments which are used to determine if a student has met that standard and can move on to the next. If students need more help with will be done during guided math. The important part of creating these lesson plans is to be prepared and ready for what will be taught and what is expected for students to do to meet the standard.
Lastly, a reflection is also important for growth in us as teachers. No lesson is perfect but only after you teach it can you really know if something didn’t work and why and also what can be changed so that it will be more successful the next time. We also need to be open to help from others through collaboration not only for us but for our students. We are not alone so reaching out to your team is great to collaborate and find what is the best intervention for a potential struggling student.