“Campbell felt dominated by him.” (203)
Dorian seems to have to show his inner evil in order to get Campell’s help. This whole time after killing Basil and coercing Campbell to help by blackmailing him just goes to show how right Basil was about not knowing who Dorian was anymore.
“‘ Let this be a warning to you not to take vengeance into your own hands'” (221)
Dorian felt as if Sibyl’s death was his fault, at first until Lord Henry poisoned his mind again. If Dorian was so broken up about Sibyl, he must have believed at one point that vengeance was justified. Not only did Dorian lie but he turned the guilt that belonged to him, on James. Is Dorian’s guilt finally catching up to him….
“‘ I always agree with Harry, Duchess,’ ‘Even when he is wrong?’ ‘Harry is never wrong, Duchess.’ (226)
I wonder where this blind allegiance can from with Dorian’s total faith in Lord Henry. Could it have been Dorian’s need for someone to tell him that he can do bad things and it is ok because he has beauty and power? Or, could it have been Dorian’s need for an excuse as to why he can do awful things to people? I wonder if he will blame Lord Henry when it all blows up in his face.
Dorian wanted to change and in this desire he wanted to kill the thing that reminded him of how horrible of a person he was/is. His beauty, which was so important to him, was saved by the portrait absorbing his age. But what I think the portrait was absorbing was his inner beauty deteriorating as he became ugly on the inside.