Question: How can social cohesion heal social stigma?
Possible answers: People working together can lead to people’s first impressions changing. Once people have a stereotype in there head, it is hard for people to think otherwise. Or social cohesion can become so strong that people don’t just think about there first thought, but have an open mind always when meeting someone new. Could social stigma be to powerful, an therefore social cohesion may not be able to help stop judgement. If social cohesion is strong enough, people wont think about race, religion, sex, etc. Do first impression’s control social stigma? First impressions may lead to social stigma, but sometimes people develop stereotypes for people they have never meet. What kind of platform would work for everyone, and do stories work for everyone. When would stories make it better or worse? Some people may reach to stories different, in a bad or good way or not at all. Some stories people may just be able to relate to but not get anything from them. Can someone be to old to be persuaded to change there mind set.
Position: Social stigma is very powerful, it can control people to do unthinkable things because it is what they heard and that is all they know. That is why racism is so powerful, people have “heard” that someone did something horrible so it means that anyone that skin color, or religion is evil. For example, 9/11, that was an absolute horrifying day and many people lost there lives because of terrorists. Now the after math to that lead to social stigma, anyone who looked like those terrorists are instantly thought of as terrorists. I have seen in many cases where we have bombed, during war, places where specific bad people live, but what about civilians who are just trying to live there lives. Just because one person or a group of people did something, does not make there whole culture responsible. Social cohesion can play a huge part when we hear stories about innocent people being caught in the cross fire for the life of one person. Hearing stories about what that was like, could help people see from the other side, from where the social stigma is.
Thesis: Age can be a big factor in social cohesion, but still making a platform for people to be able to reach out to, may impact more people then we think.