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Social cohesion is the ability for society to work together to better the world and so that we will prosper in that world. When anyone has a concern or something troubling in there life, some share and some keep it bottled up. Both ways have good and bad about them, when you bottle problems up, it may cause you anxiety or depression, but if you share your concerns, people might judge you. But what if those stories could change the way people think, so that no one can ever feel like anything to do with mental illness, sexuality, etc could be accepted and change the way people think. That is exactly what Anne Hallward wanted to do with the Safe Space Radio, she wanted to give people a platform to share there silent stories. I listened to a little bit of a few of the stories and it sounds like everyone that was sharing there stories, had been waiting for a platform like this. Sometimes it feels better to get a story out there. I do think this will help with social cohesion, I think things like the Safe Space radio will allow people to know that they are not alone. On story in specific was about autism and how Ellen Jennings son was having seizures and showing signs of autism but she was called a refrigerator mom by her sons doctor, but she was right when she thought something was wrong but because of that delay in his diagnosis, he missed out on crucial steps in development. But by her sharing this story, others may hear it that are going through the same thing and instead of just excepting that because he is the doctor, they may fight back more and not except no for an answer. Change can only occur if we know what the issue is, when we share our stories that makes people think twice about why that happened and how we change change to better the world.
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