My writing process includes a rough draft which I write out without thinking about where paragraphs should go or anything else. This is to get everything on mind on paper. After I have completed my rough draft I reread it and first look for big issues such as transition sentences missing or paragraphs being in the wrong order or not being needed in general. Below is a link to the first draft of my first essay.

After reading my first essay over again I realized that my paragraph talking about Angel Davis seemed too random and therefore in my final draft I removed it. After removing that paragraph, it seemed to flow better.

Below is a link to my final draft and I have highlighted where I decided to change the transition sentences.

I did also switch two paragraphs to make the flow better. Originally I had my paragraph with Helen Epstein first and then Anne Hallward second, but after reviewing the rough draft it seemed to make more sense having them switched.

My last step in editing my rough draft is local errors such as typos, and comma splices.