When I first started the video on Martha Hall, my first thought was how her books were any different than every other book in a library, but when she toke one about and talked about it, I thought they were definitely unique and not like any book I had ever seen. The way she made the books to not only tell her story but make them artistic which is what she loved, made them very special. After hearing her story than finding out that she passed away made me sad. She talked more about how she overcame cancer and used those books to express how she was feeling. Coming into class the next day, I thought we were only going to talk about the books but they were there to look at and read. I have to admit I was VERY excited to see them for myself and having the thought that they were ORIGINAL and there was nothing else like it in the world was surreal. She only spoke about two books in the video but seeing her other books spoke more then I thought they would. There was one in particular that seemed as if it had a stronger meaning then just to talk about her cancer. The book looked like a medical book about what to expect with her diagnosis, but the book was not highlighted or written on as you may think, it was ripped and stappled many times, there were even pages sewn together. Martha is not around for us to ask her what this meant but I think she was putting her pain into this book and showing how she really felt without having to write it. Some pages were even ripped, then patched with a bandage. Again, there was so much meaning in that book and in all of her books. I am very glad that her legacy is able to live on through those books and I am honored that I was able to see them.