In the text overviewing Charles Duhigg’s book “The Power of Habit” many topics and stories were told but the main purpose it came back to was social change/ social habits. In society, we have people who make an impact in the community by being involved and being a member of society. Duhigg talks about social habit, “Social habits are what fill streets with protestors who may not know one another, who might be marching for different reasons, but who are all moving in the same direction.” (Page 87). This expresses the fact that no matter who we are or what we have done or haven’t done, we are all part of some connection in society. In society, we have strong and weak ties. Strong ties are your close friends and weak ties are acquaintances. At first, we all may think that strong ties are more important, but Duhigg contradicts that with the argument that weak ties are critical. When something happens our strong ties would know first and then the connection would end, but the weak ties are the people they know and someone I may have talked to once or twice. When we have acquaintances they extend our inner circle to make a much larger picture, but without strong ties, we would not have weak ties. They are all important in social change.