Why are we not doing anything to stop climate change when we know it is an issue?
We wonder why when a problem presents itself, why do some brush it under the rug? Could it be some are too stubborn to change? Or something as simple as laziness? We know that climate change exists and there is plenty of data to support that. A lot of people hear statistics with a lot of numbers and shut down at that point. Then there are people, me for example, who actually have there minds changed from hearing the numbers. Others see movements and have there minds changed. But some just think it is too big for anything to change and too big for one person. Bill Mckibben is an environmental activist and he supports this by saying, “There’s always stuff to be done and more of it all the time and that’s what movements look like.” (22:16) We have to start somewhere and when we do, that is when things can change. If we don’t believe that climate change is right then we have to do something. In the book If Your House Is On Fire written by Kathleen Dean Moore, she states “If the culture forces us to live in ways we don’t believe in, then we have to change the culture.” (6) We know there is an issue and spreading the word in any way shape or form can help.